Sinus Lift Surgery

Dental model of sinus lift surgery

Sinus Lift Surgery

What is a sinus lift?

The sinus lift surgery is performed on the upper jaw prior to the placement of a dental implant in situations where there is not enough bone to support the implant. The surgery is designed to build up the bone and create a stable base for the dental implant.

The back of the upper jaw is a notoriously difficult location to place a dental implant. That’s because the quantity of bone is lower in that area than in other areas of the jawbone. Additionally, the sinus lies just above the bone and can cause complications if damaged while placing the implant.

Sinus Lift Surgery

The sinus lift surgery creates sufficient bone to place a dental implant by delicately raising the sinus floor and placing a bone graft in the newly created space between the bone and the sinus. There are several techniques that can be used to raise the sinus, and many different bone graft materials to choose from. Our periodontists will help you decide which is the best option for you.

After the sinus lift surgery, the bone graft will need to heal for about 9 months. During that time, the bone graft material should fuse with the existing jawbone and create a higher quantity of bone. By building up the amount of bone, the doctor creates a stable foundation for the placement of a dental implant. After the dental implant procedure, the patient should have a beautiful new smile thanks to the sinus lift surgery.

Sinus Lift Surgery Animation

Sinus Lift Surgery Video Animation

Why you may need sinus lift surgery

Some people have sufficient bone in the back of the upper jawbone to place a dental implant, while others do not. Typically, lack of bone occurs for one or more of the following reasons:

• Genetics: Many people are just born with a thin upper jawbone

• Cancer: Certain cancer treatments can contribute to bone loss

• Smoking: Evidence suggests that smoking may cause bone loss

• Diabetes: Diabetes can speed up the process of bone loss

• Periodontal Disease: Bone loss is common amongst people with gum disease

Sinus Lift Surgery Recovery

Following the sinus lift procedure, it is common to experience swelling and a small amount of bleeding. In most cases, the swelling and bleeding stop after a few days, and you can return to your normal routine. While recovering, however, you should avoid certain activities in order to support the healing process. For example, it is best to avoid blowing your nose, sneezing, smoking, or drinking through a straw.

Typically, your periodontist will examine you about a week or two after the sinus lift surgery to ensure you are healing properly. If you are experiencing swelling, bleeding, or pain for longer than a few days, it is best to call your periodontist and get checked out sooner. And If the swelling, bleeding, or pain worsens over time, you should contact your doctor immediately and have them examine you as soon as possible. In the vast majority of cases, the sinus lift surgery is a success, and you will be ready for a dental implant after about 9 months of healing time.

Sinus lift surgery cost

The sinus lift surgery can cost between $1500 and $5000 per side, depending on the complexity of the procedure. However, the surgery may be covered by your dental insurance provider. Our office staff can help you determine whether your insurance will cover the cost and provide you with a cost estimate before the surgery. We are committed to transparent pricing and want to ensure that you are comfortable with the surgery and the cost before starting treatment.

We are the sinus lift surgery experts

The doctors at Sacramento Periodontics have over 30 years of experience successfully performing the sinus lift surgery. We have helped hundreds of patients improve their oral health and get their smiles back. We would love to help you as well. Please contact us today to set up a consultation. We look forward to meeting you and helping you create a more beautiful smile.


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